My Career:
I have worked for many years at Environment Canada as the Senior Advisor on Environmental Quality Guidelines in the National Guidelines and Standards Office. In this capacity,
Professional Achievements:
- Worked for 19 years at Environment Canada (until 2011), assessing substances and developing national and federal environmental quality guidelines (mostly for water and tissue residues; for organics and inorganics [including many metals]). This work was done for the national Water Quality Task Group (under the auspice of the Canadian Ministers of the Environment [CCME], under the federal Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA 1999), and under the federal Canadian Chemicals Management Plan (CMP);
- Led the team that developed the 1999 Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines Compendium (the "CEQG binder" - a compilation of all the published EQGs in Canada);
- Chaired the national team that developed the 2007 CWQG Protocol - the nationally approved derivation procedure for the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life;
- Guided the incorporation of the Species Sensitivity Distribution approach into the development of EQGs; and the incorporation of the Biotic Ligand Model into EQG derivation;
- Assisted in the development and application of methods and approaches for the derivation of site-specific environmental quality guidelines that consider natural background, local water quality conditions, and resident species;
- Chaired the EC Working Group for guidance development of Threshold Value Determination for CMP substances (SSD, PNEC, guidelines)
- Developed and conducted with a colleague numerous training courses on the proper application and development of CWQGs;
- Developed numerous water, tissue residue, and site-specific guidelines;
- (Co-)Authored several PSL-1 Assessments (Priority Substance List assessments under CEPA 1988);
- Contributed to the development and national implementation of the Water Quality Index in Canada;
- Course conductor for Environment Canada's CWQG courses;
- (Co-)Author of numerous publications related to water quality;
- Independent environmental consultant, specializing in water quality issues and providing advice, guidance, and knowledge transfer related to EQGs;
- Providing advice and services on the development and use of Environmental Quality Benchmarks to governments, consultants and industry;
- Educator and course conductor on water quality issues and water quality benchmarks (nationally and internationally).
- Spearheading the International Harmonisation of Environmental Quality Guidelines, Standards, Criteria, and /or Objectives; leading to international co-operation in the development of such benchmarks;