Overview on the Derivation Methods for Site-Specific Water Quality Benchmarks for the Protection of Aquatic Life - advantages and disadvantages of the various derivation methods, cheap proper process, medicine potential errors and mistakes
This 1-day course will provide new and established CWQG-PAL users with an understanding how site-specific water quality benchmarks can be derived. The various derivation methods will be discussed in detail, and their advantages, challenges, and limitations will be explored. Participants will be guided through exercises to assess aquatic toxicity data to determine which studies are relevant and suitable to derive a site-specific WQB. As site-specific environmental conditions are important toxicity modifying factors to a WQB value, they will be discussed in detail.
As a result of this workshop, participants will be well informed in the various methods available to derive a site-specific WQB, and will be able to decide which method(s) is suitable for a specific situation.
* The course content will assume that participants are current users of the CWQGs for the Protection of Aquatic Life (or similar WQBs) and are familiar with these guidelines.