Course 1
Introduction to the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life -… “Guidelines 101”
Participants will be guided through exercises to assess toxicity data to determine which studies are relevant to developing a Canadian national guideline. Factors which can modify the guideline value and issues concerning interpretation will also be discussed. As a result of this workshop, participants will be better informed in how to use these guidelines for decision-making.
This course will provide the basic knowledge on the national CWQGs required to properly work with or develop site-specific water quality benchmarks. Site-specific WQBs are covered in this follow-up course.
* The course content will assume that participants are current users of the CWQGs for the Protection of Aquatic Life and are at least somewhat familiar with these guidelines.
Introduction to the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life -… “Guidelines 101”
This 1-day course will provide new and established CWQG-PAL users with an understanding where and how the Canadian national water quality guidelines should be used, and who develops them, decease and how they were developed prior to the first derivation protocol (19984-1991), viagra under the former protocol (published in 1991) (1991-2007), and how they are now developed under the current protocol (published in 2007). Participants will have the opportunity to assess the uses, advantages, challenges, and limitations posed by the various methodologies employed to develop national water quality guidelines. We will discuss what it means if environmental concentrations exceed a CWQG-value, and possible steps that can be taken in response to such an exceedance.
Participants will be guided through exercises to assess toxicity data to determine which studies are relevant to developing a Canadian national guideline. Factors which can modify the guideline value and issues concerning interpretation will also be discussed. As a result of this workshop, participants will be better informed in how to use these guidelines for decision-making.
This course will provide the basic knowledge on the national CWQGs required to properly work with or develop site-specific water quality benchmarks. Site-specific WQBs are covered in this follow-up course.
* The course content will assume that participants are current users of the CWQGs for the Protection of Aquatic Life and are at least somewhat familiar with these guidelines.
As an independent environmental consultant, sickness I specialize in water quality issues. I provide advice, guidance, and knowledge transfer related to water quality benchmarks, both nationally (in Canada) and internationally to governments, consultants, academia, and industry. I am an educator and course conductor on water quality issues and water quality benchmarks.
My services include:
Training Courses:
Established Courses:
I am offering a set of standard training courses (1-, and 2-days, or longer) on ambient water quality issues and water quality benchmarks in Canada and internationally. These courses are custom-designed to meet the needs of newcomers as well as seasoned practitioners related to water quality issues. The courses are important for anyone working in the aquatic toxicity field or with water quality benchmarks. For the dates and location of the various courses currently offered, please visit “Upcoming Events”
- Introduction to the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life -their history, purpose, derivation, application, and interpretation, ; their factsheets and supporting documentation, etc. - … “Guidelines 101” (see below / click here for the course abstract)
- Overview on the Derivation Methods for Site-Specific Water Quality Benchmarks for the Protection of Aquatic Life - advantages and disadvantages of the various derivation methods, proper process, potential errors and mistakes (see below / click here for the course abstract)
- How to properly derive a Water Quality Benchmark for the Protection of Aquatic Life - generic and site-specific
- How to critically review and evaluate a Water Quality Benchmark for the Protection of Aquatic Life - generic and site-specific
These courses are generally offered in the Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) area, however, I can teach them in other locations if desired.
Custom-designed Courses:
In addition to these standard training courses, I can custom-design courses and workshops for particular needs and requirements. These courses can be for a 1/2-day, full day, or multiple days, and can cover a variety of related topics.
Here is a list of possible session topics: [the length of the individual courses and sessions can be varied by the depth of material covered]
- The 2007 Protocol on the Derivation of the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life
- Overview of the various water quality benchmarks in Canada - national, federal, provincial, non-governmental, etc.
- Differences between generic and site-specific WQBs
- Interpretation and Responses to an Exceedance of a WQB
- Aquatic Toxicity Testing as used in WQB derivation
- Evaluation, assessment, and interpretation of a laboratory aquatic toxicity test for use in water quality benchmark derivation and environmental assessment
- Proper derivation and interpretation of Species Sensitivity Distribution curves (SSD) for use in Water Quality Benchmarks
- Use and application of SSD-Master
- Priority setting in water quality benchmark development
- WQBs and Natural Background Concentration / Issues with Naturally Occurring Substances
- Critical evaluation of a case study:
- Single-species aquatic toxicity test
- Site-specific Water Quality Benchmark
- Statistical assessment of laboratory toxicity results
- Statistical methods to derive toxicity test endpoints (EC50, EC10, NEC, NOEC/LOEC, etc., )
- Statistical methods to convert NOECs/LOECs into EC10/NEC, etc.
- … and more ….
Please contact me regarding the options for a custom-designed training course. Course locations can be arranged across Canada as well as internationally.
Critical Review
I can provide an impartial and critical review and evaluation of existing or proposed (i.e., draft, or proponent-submitted) water quality benchmarks (generic and site-specific), environmental assessments, and scientific papers and documents related to aquatic toxicology (e.g., aquatic toxicity test results, etc.) to ascertain their scientific defensibility, correctness, and acceptability. Throughout my career, I have peer-reviewed numerous scientific documents for journal publication and for various national and international governing bodies.
Please contact me to arrange for the critical review of a scientific document. If required, the review will be confidential.
I can provide advice and guidance on the development, evaluation, implementation, interpretation, and management of ambient water quality benchmarks and issues.
Water Quality Benchmark Derivation
I can custom-derive national, provincial, and site-specific water quality benchmarks for the protection of aquatic life, either following established derivation protocols or designing a new derivation process. I am very familiar with the various Canadian derivation processes and protocols, e.g., the CCME protocol "A Protocol for the Derivation of Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life - 2007", and different methods for deriving site-specific benchmarks. I have developed CWQG-PAL for organic (including pesticides) and inorganic chemicals (including metals).
Please contact me to arrange for the derivation of a water quality benchmark for a substance of concern.
As an independent environmental consultant, hospital I specialize in water quality issues. I provide advice, viagra guidance, order and knowledge transfer related to water quality benchmarks, both nationally (in Canada) and internationally to governments, consultants, academia, and industry. I am an educator and course conductor on water quality issues and water quality benchmarks.
My services include:
Training Courses:
Established Courses:
I am offering a set of standard training courses (1-, and 2-days) on ambient water quality issues and water quality benchmarks in Canada and internationally. These courses are custom-designed to meet the needs of newcomers as well as seasoned practitioners related to water quality issues. The courses are important for anyone working in the aquatic toxicity field or with water quality benchmarks. For the dates and location of the various courses currently offered, please visit “Upcoming Events”
- Introduction to the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life -their history, purpose, derivation, application, and interpretation, ; their factsheets and supporting documentation, etc. - … “Guidelines 101” (see below / click here for the course abstract)
- Overview on the Derivation Methods for Site-Specific Water Quality Benchmarks for the Protection of Aquatic Life - advantages and disadvantages of the various derivation methods, proper process, potential errors and mistakes (see below / click here for the course abstract)
- How to properly derive a Water Quality Benchmark for the Protection of Aquatic Life - generic and site-specific
- How to critically review and evaluate a Water Quality Benchmark for the Protection of Aquatic Life - generic and site-specific
These courses are generally offered in the Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) area, however, I can teach them in other locations if desired.
Custom-designed Courses:
In addition to these standard training courses, I can custom-design courses and workshops for particular needs and requirements. These courses can be for a 1/2-day, full day, or multiple days, and can cover a variety of related topics.
Here is a list of possible session topics: [the length of the individual courses and sessions can be varied by the depth of material covered]
- The 2007 Protocol on the Derivation of the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life
- Overview of the various water quality benchmarks in Canada - national, federal, provincial, non-governmental, etc.
- Differences between generic and site-specific WQBs
- Interpretation and Responses to an Exceedance of a WQB
- Aquatic Toxicity Testing as used in WQB derivation
- Evaluation, assessment, and interpretation of a laboratory aquatic toxicity test for use in water quality benchmark derivation and environmental assessment
- Proper derivation and interpretation of Species Sensitivity Distribution curves (SSD) for use in Water Quality Benchmarks
- Use and application of SSD-Master
- Priority setting in water quality benchmark development
- WQBs and Natural Background Concentration / Issues with Naturally Occurring Substances
- Critical evaluation of a case study:
- Single-species aquatic toxicity test
- Site-specific Water Quality Benchmark
- Statistical assessment of laboratory toxicity results
- Statistical methods to derive toxicity test endpoints (EC50, EC10, NEC, NOEC/LOEC, etc., )
- Statistical methods to convert NOECs/LOECs into EC10/NEC, etc.
- … and more ….
Please contact me regarding the options for a custom-designed training course. Course locations can be arranged across Canada as well as internationally.
Critical Review
I can provide an impartial and critical review and evaluation of existing or proposed (i.e., draft, or proponent-submitted) water quality benchmarks (generic and site-specific), environmental assessments, and scientific papers and documents related to aquatic toxicology (e.g., aquatic toxicity test results, etc.) to ascertain their scientific defensibility, correctness, and acceptability. Throughout my career, I have peer-reviewed numerous scientific documents for journal publication and for various national and international governing bodies.
Please contact me to arrange for the critical review of a scientific document. If required, the review will be confidential.
I can provide advice and guidance on the development, evaluation, implementation, interpretation, and management of ambient water quality benchmarks and issues.
Water Quality Benchmark Derivation
I can custom-derive national, provincial, and site-specific water quality benchmarks for the protection of aquatic life, either following established derivation protocols or designing a new derivation process. I am very familiar with the various Canadian derivation processes and protocols, e.g., the CCME protocol "A Protocol for the Derivation of Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life - 2007", and different methods for deriving site-specific benchmarks. I have developed CWQG-PAL for organic (including pesticides) and inorganic chemicals (including metals).
Please contact me to arrange for the derivation of a water quality benchmark for a substance of concern.
Introduction to the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life -… “Guidelines 101”
This 1-day course will provide new and established CWQG-PAL users with an understanding where and how the Canadian national water quality guidelines should be used, viagra dosage who develops them, remedy and how they were developed prior to the first derivation protocol (19984-1991), under the former protocol (published in 1991) (1991-2007), and how they are now developed under the current protocol (published in 2007). Participants will have the opportunity to assess the uses, advantages, challenges, and limitations posed by the various methodologies employed to develop national water quality guidelines. We will discuss what it means if environmental concentrations exceed a CWQG-value, and possible steps that can be taken in response to such an exceedance.
Participants will be guided through exercises to assess toxicity data to determine which studies are relevant to developing a Canadian national guideline. Factors which can modify the guideline value and issues concerning interpretation will also be discussed. As a result of this workshop, participants will be better informed in how to use these guidelines for decision-making.
This course will provide the basic knowledge on the national CWQGs required to properly work with or develop site-specific water quality benchmarks. Site-specific WQBs are covered in this follow-up course.
* The course content will assume that participants are current users of the CWQGs for the Protection of Aquatic Life and are at least somewhat familiar with these guidelines.
For course registration, please visit "Upcoming Events"
I am offering a set of standard training courses (1-, healing and 2-days) on ambient water quality issues and water quality benchmarks in Canada and internationally. These courses are custom-designed to meet the needs of newcomers as well as seasoned practitioners related to water quality issues. The courses are important for anyone working in the aquatic toxicity field or with water quality benchmarks. For the dates, here location, abortion and registration for the various courses currently offered, please visit “Upcoming Events”
- Course 1: Introduction to the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life -their history, purpose, derivation, application, and interpretation, ; their factsheets and supporting documentation, etc. - … “Guidelines 101” (see below / click here for the course abstract)
- Course 2: Overview on the Derivation Methods for Site-Specific Water Quality Benchmarks for the Protection of Aquatic Life - advantages and disadvantages of the various derivation methods, proper process, potential errors and mistakes (see below / click here for the course abstract)
- Course 3: How to properly derive a Water Quality Benchmark for the Protection of Aquatic Life - generic and site-specific
- Course 4: How to critically review and evaluate a Water Quality Benchmark for the Protection of Aquatic Life - generic and site-specific
These courses are generally offered in the Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) area, however, I can teach them in other locations if desired.
For course registration, please visit "Upcoming Events"
A list of past courses is given here
Introduction to the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life -… “Guidelines 101”
This 1-day course will provide new and established CWQG-PAL users with an understanding where and how the Canadian national water quality guidelines should be used,
Participants will be guided through exercises to assess toxicity data to determine which studies are relevant to developing a Canadian national guideline. Factors which can modify the guideline value and issues concerning interpretation will also be discussed. As a result of this workshop, participants will be better informed in how to use these guidelines for decision-making.
This course will provide the basic knowledge on the national CWQGs required to properly work with or develop site-specific water quality benchmarks. Site-specific WQBs are covered in this follow-up course.
* The course content will assume that participants are current users of the CWQGs for the Protection of Aquatic Life and are at least somewhat familiar with these guidelines.